Gen Z is blending work and vacation with the “workcation”

Half of Gen Z workers are planning to take a “workcation” this year, blurring the lines between vacation time and remote work. Many Gen Z workers see the new workcation trend as a way to enjoy a change of scenery and a break from their daily grind. As a remote worker, they can call in from a beach, a mountaintop, or a friend’s apartment abroad, all without sacrificing momentum at work or taking PTO. (And with the rolling waves of layoffs, many Gen Z workers are reluctant to take time off.)

But what happens when you’re always “on”...even while on vacation? Wave Life coaches warn that sometimes those blurred boundaries can lead to burnout — an ironic consequence for vacation time. 

If you’re planning on bringing your work laptop next time you travel, use these 3 tips to find some balance:

Set clear expectations.

Try not to work around the clock. Choose specific days and times when you plan to be reachable or available for meetings. Be sure to communicate them with your team. You can turn on an away message or out-of-office responder for the times when you’re in full vacation mode.

Turn off notifications when you’re not working.

(And try not to check your phone or computer “just to see.”) To truly get the “-cation” part of “workcation,” you need to protect the time you’ve set aside to enjoy yourself. Even checking one quick message can send you spiraling back into work mode.

Prioritize leisure.

You’re on vacation, after all. Plan fun things that aren’t productive, explore the area where you’re staying, and try to be present for the people you’re spending time with.

If you get on a plane just to Slack and email in a new setting, you’re likely not going to return from your vacation feeling refreshed or recharged. Find ways to focus when you’re working and enjoy yourself when you’re not.

If you’d like help balancing work and life (whether or not you’re on vacation), Wave’s coaches are here to help. With Wave, you’ll get clear on your values, stick to your goals, and practice effective communication and boundary-setting. Head to to download the Wave app today.


A peek into Dr. Sarah Adler’s panel on “A New Generation: Mental Health and the Future of Care” at SXSW 2023