Discover the Power of Appreciative Inquiry: 5 Principles to Transform Your Coaching Skills

Hey there, future Nationally-Board certified coaches! Are you ready to dive into the world of coaching and make a difference in people's lives? We've got you covered. Here at Wave, we're all about helping people improve their mental wellbeing and live happier, more fulfilling lives. 

One of the key approaches we use in our Wave Coach Training Program is the concept of Appreciative Inquiry (AI). AI aims to facilitate change by highlighting what is working within a system, and using that to strengthen areas that are not as strong. In this blog post, we'll introduce you to the five AI principles that can empower your coaching journey. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive in!

“In its broadest focus, it involves systematic discovery of what gives “life” to a living system when it is most alive, most effective, and most constructively capable in economic, ecological, and human terms. AI involves, in a central way, the art and practice of asking questions that strengthen a system’s capacity to apprehend, anticipate, and heighten positive potential.” ~ David L. Cooperrider

Constructionist: Language is Power

The saying "words create worlds" perfectly captures the Constructionist Principle. As coaches, we must recognize that the language we use has a profound impact on how our clients perceive their reality. By choosing empowering words and phrases, we can help clients reshape their self-image and build a brighter future. Never underestimate the power of a well-chosen word! Part of this practice also means not always focusing on just the topic at hand. Understanding clients holistically means we can point to places where things are going well, pulling those wins and language into our discussion of the topic at hand.

Want to harness the power of language? Join the Wave Coach Training Program now!

Simultaneity: The Power of Now

Change can happen in an instant. The Simultaneity Principle highlights the idea that asking the right questions can potentially trigger immediate transformation. As a coach, your role is to ask thought-provoking questions that help clients reframe their perspectives and start making positive changes in their lives. The questions we ask invite opportunities for clients to articulate their experience, highlight strengths and growth, and that helps to create a new understanding of what is possible.

Eager to start asking powerful questions? Join the Wave Coach Training Program now!

Poetic: Life as a Work of Art

The Poetic Principle reminds us that life can be seen as a beautiful, ever-evolving narrative. As a certified coach, you'll help clients explore their unique stories and unlock their creative potential. Encourage them to find meaning and inspiration in their experiences, both good and bad. How we come to understand and gain perspective on our goals and ability to pursue them really influences how it feels to do the work. The better it feels, the more likely it is to be done.

Ready to help clients craft their stories? Join the Wave Coach Training Program now!

Anticipatory: Envision a Brighter Future

Lastly, the Anticipatory Principle emphasizes the importance of helping clients create vivid, inspiring visions of their future. By encouraging them to imagine their goals and dreams in detail, you can tap into their motivation and drive, propelling them forward on their journey to wellbeing.

Ready to guide clients toward their dreams? Join the Wave Coach Training Program now!

Positive: Embrace Genuine Optimism

The Positive Principle is all about embracing genuine optimism while acknowledging the challenges and emotions our clients face. It's important to understand that we're not promoting toxic positivity – you know, the "just think happy thoughts" mindset that can invalidate people's feelings. Instead, as a Wave coach, your goal is to help clients focus on their strengths and positive experiences in a balanced and authentic way. This approach creates a supportive environment where clients can address their concerns while still recognizing the progress they've made and the potential for positive change. Focusing on positive / strengths-based questions helps to lead to positive change. We are more effective the longer we can retain the spirit of inquiry of the everlasting beginner.

Ready to share authentic positivity with others? Join the Wave Coach Training Program now!

So, there you have it – the five principles of Appreciative Inquiry that can revolutionize your coaching skills and make a lasting impact on your clients' lives. At Wave, we're all about nurturing our coaches and helping them grow. If you're ready to join our community and start making a difference, don't hesitate – sign up for the Wave Coach Training Program today!

Remember, together we can create a world where mental wellbeing is a priority for everyone. Let's ride the Wave of change together!


Connect on a Deeper Level with Mutual Empathy


A peek into Dr. Sarah Adler’s panel on “A New Generation: Mental Health and the Future of Care” at SXSW 2023